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22.08.2013, 11:31 | #3641 | |||
22.08.2013, 11:36 | #3642 | ||
Адрес: Московская область,Кратово
http://griffon-pincher.jimdo.com/ |
22.08.2013, 11:54 | #3643 | |||
Адрес: Петергоф
Если не трудно, расскажите, что Смолич вещает, пожалуйста.
22.08.2013, 12:03 | #3644 | |||
много знаю и крепко сплю
Глухой хирург наркоз не применяет. *лучше быть хорошим человеком, ругающимся матом, чем тихой, воспитанной тварью*(с) |
22.08.2013, 12:06 | #3645 | ||
Адрес: Московская область,Кратово
Пишет, что отвратительно и стыдно делать из ЧМ политику.. намекает румынам про предложения бойкота их ЧЕ.. Что в разных странах есть разные правила, которые могут не нравится, но ЧМ тут при чем..
Nikola Smolic Dear colleagues, I read some of the posts here and I can't believe my eyes and ears. Maybe it's something terrible wrong with me, but I have been thought some basic compassion and manners from my parents and later my experience and life itself gave me something called common sense. For some people I can only say SHAME ON YOU! To try to create political meeting of a biggest dog show event! Disgusting!!! To openly call people to boycott event that we should be proud of? WORLD DOG SHOW!! For what? Because Russian government came up with stupid Nazi-like law? Well, come on. Let's punish Russian kennel club. Well give me a break!!! This law will not be valid from 2016 and WDS, it's now and it has been like that already for some time. Will you tell me that none of our LGBT colleagues have not been judging there since the law came on? Or that you will cancel your judging appointments in Russia? Or just World dog show? I started wondering is there story behind story? Or something called DOUBLE STANDARDS?! In some countries in East they kill people my stoning due to adultery. In some countries they spill acid on woman because they cheated on their husbands. In some Muslim countries marriages are arranged ahead sometimes against the will of lovers. In some African countries they castrate girls with savage genital mutilation so they would not be able to enjoy sex. And more modern - isn't it true that gay marriages are forbidden in some USA states? AND YOU STILL GO THERE AND JUDGE, YOU TAKE PHOTOS ON EXOTIC LANDSCAPES AND YOU PROUDLY POST THEM ALLOVER!!! EVEN WHEN ALL THIS IS AGAINST YOUR BELIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my friends something called DOUBLE STANDARDS!!! Or something else is going around! Just remember what boycott and public trashing did to Romania. "No roads, horrible place, dangerous gypsies....." Finally it was a GREAT SHOW, but just think what bad publicity did to them. If nothing, it substantially decreased the number of dogs entered. Who ever did that, is he proud?? Do you realize where boycott and public witch hunt leads to???? Do you want to do this also to Russia?? Why? KEEP POLITICS OUT OF DOG SHOWS!!! STICK TO DOGS!!! Who cares in the ring are U gay, straight, lesbian, black, white or whatever. In the ring we are all (at least we should be) DOGLOVERS and nothing else. NO NAMES, NO LABELS!!!!!!!!! And last thing, although my post is too long enough, however and how much it sounds trashy to some people, I do have a lot of gay friends. I dont think about their sexual orientation, because I look at them as normal human beings like any other and I don't care who does what in the privacy of their bedrooms. This is something called private life for reason! But I've learned something from my gay friends and that's the word PRIDE and expression TO BE PROUD. SO BE PROUD AND HAVE BALLS! And this is not done by running, boycotts and witch hunts. Anyway, Russian friends, hang on and DO VSTRECHI V MOSKVI V 2016 GODU |
http://griffon-pincher.jimdo.com/ Последний раз редактировалось маруська; 22.08.2013 в 12:09. |
22.08.2013, 12:16 | #3646 | |||
Ёжик - ни головы ни ножек
Адрес: Челябинск
Буквально на дня посмотрела очень милый сериал "Новая норма": пара геев приняли решение завести ребенка.
Очень многие аргументы, что в этой теме были затронуты, в сериале тоже обыграны. |
22.08.2013, 12:31 | #3647 | |||
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сделай всё, что сможешь, а в остальном положись на судьбу(с) |
22.08.2013, 12:40 | #3648 | |||
Адрес: Беларусь
из вчерашнего считаю наиболее актуальным
22.08.2013, 12:57 | #3649 | |||
много знаю и крепко сплю
Глухой хирург наркоз не применяет. *лучше быть хорошим человеком, ругающимся матом, чем тихой, воспитанной тварью*(с) |
22.08.2013, 12:59 | #3650 | |||
сама скромность
Адрес: Большая, очень большая деревня
DuAn, а можно ссылку