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Старый 09.04.2011, 01:37   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11991
Аватар для CBET
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CBET CBET вне форума
Адрес: Москва. САО.
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Сообщение от Ksany Посмотреть сообщение
но сейчас в Подосинки......
Сейчас никак...Ежели только на майские...Вишь, вон и на форум только по ночам захожу...
CBET вне форума  

Старый 09.04.2011, 01:38   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11992
Аватар для Ksany
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Ksany Ksany вне форума
Адрес: М.О. Троицк Подольск
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Сообщение от CBET Посмотреть сообщение
Сейчас никак...Ежели только на майские...Вишь, вон и на форум только по ночам захожу...
На майские - тока в Африку, прости.....
Юрист по гражданским делам. Помогу всем!!!
Ksany вне форума  
Старый 09.04.2011, 01:42   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11993
Аватар для CBET
Регистрация: 03.06.2008
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CBET CBET вне форума
Адрес: Москва. САО.
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Сообщение от Ksany Посмотреть сообщение
тока в Африку,
В Африку не поеду...там политическая нестабильность... Лучше уж в Рязань..там мятежников нету...Сморчки-строчки опять же..
CBET вне форума  
Старый 09.04.2011, 11:08   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11994
Аватар для Ellika
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Ellika Ellika вне форума
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почитала девятку, эка ее подкинуло...
опять "сказочники" неверную инфу слили в регионы...
Сообщение от CBET Посмотреть сообщение
Ellika вне форума  
Старый 09.04.2011, 20:20   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11995
Аватар для Ksany
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Ksany Ksany вне форума
Адрес: М.О. Троицк Подольск
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Опять дружненько нажаловались и мой пост удалили..... Весело живут!!!
Юрист по гражданским делам. Помогу всем!!!
Ksany вне форума  
Старый 10.04.2011, 02:00   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11996
Аватар для Lira
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Lira Lira вне форума
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А чего еще-то от них ожидать, если даже нормальное отношение там в штыки... А сейчас вообще "зашифровались", чтобы под ширмой дальше гадости о других сочинять.
Lira вне форума  
Старый 10.04.2011, 08:45   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11997
Аватар для Lira
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Lira Lira вне форума
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At: Mr. Hans Muller – President and Mr.Christofer Habig - Vice President
W/c 1: Mr. Yves De Clercq - Executive Director,,Miss Carmen Moreno, Miss Marie-France Grulois, Miss Marie Duran and Prof. Bernard Dennis.
W/c 2: Mr. Sérgio de Castro - CBKC President, Mrs. Márcia Carrera - BKC President, Mr. Victor Hugo Leal and Mr. Paulo Azevedo.
W/c 3: to about 800 email addresses around the world of kennels, breeders and lovers of true Fila Brasileiro and also for breeders who think that breed the genuine Fila Brasileiro, as well as judges and clubs all over the world, such as CAFIB (Spain), Club Onceiro (Cafib Czech Republic), CAFIBI (Italy), Cafib-USA, American Fila Clubs, The Kennel and FCI, including all representatives clubs from the FCI System and The Kennel.

Dear Sir,

Re: 86th Annual CAFIB Expo and 23rd National CAFIB Expo Amparo, SP - Brazil

On March 27th, an Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament of the CAFIB, followed by Exposition, was held under the patronage of Malta Ceyton Dog food and Guarani Supermarket; at the Hippocampo Equestrian Center, located in Amparo - SP - Brazil. This event was organized by former CAFIB President Carlos Amaral Cintra Filho.

The trials were under the responsibility of two foreign senior cafibeans: Females were judged by Jaime Perez, CAFIBE - Spain, 16 year CAFIB member, while the Males were judged by Jan Kubesa, Club Onceiro-Cafib, from the Czech Republic, 18 year CAFIB member. Acting as judges helpers were Judge Mariana Campbell (SP) and Adriano Pacheco (MG).

From abroad: Elvira Marhuenda, Spain; Martin Mlynár, Slovak Republic; Daniel Balsas, Uruguay and Chad Truelove, Indiana-USA, were present at the event as well as the very traditional CAFIB breeders such as Jorge and Marisa Hino, Hisama Kennel, Guarulhos (SP); Pedro and Edna Borotti, Porto Ferreira (SP), Luciano and Denise Galvao, Descalvado (SP), Ivan and Marisa Russef, Ribeirão Pires (SP); Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono and José Benedito de Lima Neto, Guaratinguetá (SP); Tênisson Cavalcante, Antonio Novaes, Antonio Jorge dos Santos Cunha and Divino Evangelista, Goiânia (GO) and the CAFIB Veterans and founders and Airton and Rosely Campbell (São Paulo - SP ), Fernando Cylene Zanetti (Campinas-SP), Américo Cardoso dos Santos (Sao Paulo Vargem Grande - SP) and Chico Peltier from Rio. The new generation was also present, among them Judge Mariana Campbell (SP), Julia Zanetti (Campinas), Eliziane Borotti (Porto Ferreira) and Fabiano and Giliane Gonçalves Nunes, tfrom the traditional Kennel Jawa from Guaratinguetá - SP and Maiara Russef (SP). It was also a pleasure to recieve our dear friends from Unifila (MG) Marcus Flavio Moreira, Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura and Cristovao Giancotti.

Between Analysis and the Expo, Caico Amaral informed us of the new Board of CAFIB, in which he is replaced as president with the founder and breeder of CAFIB Airton Campbell. A tribute to Sabine Gallas and Francisco Fornel (Amparo - SP) who devoted themselves to CAFIB in recent years, especially in the computerization of our database and a posthumous tribute to the great journalist Antonio Mendes Carvalho from newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, who died recently.Toninho, as he was affectionately called, had always been a staunch defender of the pure-bred Fila who knew how to position himself correctly in face of the BKC-CBKC and face the political pressures of that time. Moreover it is worth remembering that the CAFIB was established in the press offices of the "Estadao" (still one of the majors Brazilian newspaper), still as a Commission and within the BKC-CBKC system. Américo Cardoso's excellent article recount the presence of CAFIB abroad since its foundationwas also mentioned the by lies in CAFIB site and will soon be in my English too.

50 dogs participated in analysis and Expo, of which only 1 failed the Analysis.

Absolute Best and Best Female: Lia da Santa Luzia - Breeder and Owner, Kennel Santa Luzia;

Best Male: Mancha de Santa Luzia - Breeder, Kennel Santa Luzia. Owner, Antonio Jorge dos Santos Cunha;

Best Temperament: Baru Santa Luzia - Breeder, Kennel Santa Luzia. Owner, Kennel Itaipu;

Best Head: Rosa do Araguaya - Breeder, Araguaya Kennel. Owner: Kennel Embaré.

Note: Full results are posted on the CAFIB site. Log onto the website, under "exhibitions result / ranking " to view the full listing.

2 - GENERAL COMMENT: Again this year the hallmark of Amparo was the homogeneity of the total number of dogs which participated and the high quality of Filas presented.

3 - PHOTOS: Will soon be posted on CAFIB's website ( )

NOTE: At the end of the Expo breeder Caico Amaral was asked to present 10-year-old, hors concours Fila, Aladdin III do Amparo, who paraded solemnly down the runway ...

CALENDAR for next CAFIB Events:
CAFIB - Spain Málaga: 04/30/11
CAFIB - Goiânia: 06/05/11
CAFIB - MG: Lagoa Santa: 08/07/11
CAFIBE - Spain in Alicante: 11/1/11
CAFIB Onceiro Club, Czech Republic: Sept. - 2011 event dates to be confirmed.
CAFIB USA: October - 2011, date TBD
Still awaiting dates confirmation for: Porto Ferreira, São Carlos (SP), Quatis (RJ), Itanhandu (MG) and Guaratinguetá (SP).

Best Regards,

Note: translated by Costume Designer and Cafib Fila Cafib breeder Ligia Morris.
Lira вне форума  
Старый 11.04.2011, 11:23   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11998
Аватар для Ellika
Регистрация: 05.06.2008
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Ellika Ellika вне форума
Адрес: Москва
Регистрация: 05.06.2008
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По умолчанию

50 dogs participated in analysis and Expo, of which only 1 failed the Analysis.

Absolute Best and Best Female: Lia da Santa Luzia - Breeder and Owner, Kennel Santa Luzia;

Best Male: Mancha de Santa Luzia - Breeder, Kennel Santa Luzia. Owner, Antonio Jorge dos Santos Cunha;

Best Temperament: Baru Santa Luzia - Breeder, Kennel Santa Luzia. Owner, Kennel Itaipu;

Best Head: Rosa do Araguaya - Breeder, Araguaya Kennel. Owner: Kennel Embaré.

Note: Full results are posted on the CAFIB site. Log onto the website, under "exhibitions result / ranking " to view the full listing.

2 - GENERAL COMMENT: Again this year the hallmark of Amparo was the homogeneity of the total number of dogs which participated and the high quality of Filas presented.
спасибо за информацию,
отец Aladim Da Jacobina вл.Евдокимов В.Г. (Москва), из питомника Santa Luzia.

Последний раз редактировалось Ellika; 11.04.2011 в 11:30.
Ellika вне форума  
Старый 11.04.2011, 12:13 Автор темы   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #11999
Аватар для Fila63
Регистрация: 10.09.2008
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Fila63 Fila63 вне форума
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Absolute Best and Best Female: Lia da Santa Luzia
Fila63 вне форума  
Старый 11.04.2011, 12:16 Автор темы   Прямая ссылка на это сообщение #12000
Аватар для Fila63
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Fila63 Fila63 вне форума
Адрес: Самарcкая область
Регистрация: 10.09.2008
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Best Male: Mancha de Santa Luzia
Fila63 вне форума  
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